Member Races/Reports

We need your race reports!

Have you run in a race recently? Share your experience with the community! Sharing race reports is a great way of advertising local races (or cautioning others against attending them in the future) as well as advertising your accomplishments! When drafting your report, keep in mind the following:
  1. Where and when was the race?
  2. How many people participated?
  3. What were the highlights and lowlights of the experience?
  4. How'd you do?
  5. How fast were the fast gals/guys and how slow were the slow gals/guys?
  6. Were there any neat prizes or SWAG?
  7. How was the course?
  8. and so on...
Also: provide pictures! Pictures always make a great addition. E-mail your reports to, and we'll be sure to get them up for you!


April 15, 2019: BAA Boston Marathon (Patrick Whitehead)
June 16, 2018:  Bighorn 100 Redemption (John Kilpatrick)
April 7, 2018: 2018 Springtime 10k in Tallahassee (Ann Centner)
March 3, 2018: Snickers Marathon (Shane Smith); (Patrick Whitehead) (Ann Centner)
December 16, 2017: Helen Half Marathon (Patrick Whitehead)
November 5,2017- Pinhoti-100 (John Kilpatrick)
June 23rd & 24, 2017- Guess Your Time 5K & Flint River Ramble (Jenn Perkins)
April 2, 2017 - Georgia Death Race (John Kilpatrick)
April 2, 2017 - Georgia Death Race (Kelli Kilpatrick)
March 4, 2017- Albany "Snickers" Marathon (Budd Bramlett)
January 28, 2017- Chehaw Challenge Trail Race 50K (Patrick Whitehead)
January 7, 2017 -Swamp Trail Marathon (Patrick Whitehead)
December 4, 2016- Pine Mountain Trail Race (Arnoldo DeJesus)
July 4, 2016 - GWTC Firecracker 5K (Patrick Whitehead)
July 23, 2016- Devil Take the Hindmost (Arnoldo DeJesus)
July 30, 2016- Back the Blue 5K (Jay Elliott)

Reflections on Chronic injury (Jay Elliot)
A Tale of a Runner United (by Coach Jenn)

For information on races and race reports check out Trouble Afoot!

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